by gvenum @ 2:30 PM
#by Parth, at August 12, 2005 2:36 PM
lol -
#by , at August 14, 2005 3:24 AM
lol. But the picture sequence seems impossible to create. Is it a doctored one? -
#by GratisGab, at August 15, 2005 1:32 PM
cool new look gvenum!
his fauly for having so many sistars! -
#by Ratna, at August 15, 2005 3:43 PM
Good picture. Why is your font so small? (saving space?) -
#by gvenum, at August 16, 2005 5:30 PM
The smallest comment I ever got.....oh yeah I forgot I also got "hmm..."
Dude, I cannot even efford flying and staying in california for a weekend
and to think of investments is a sin:)
I wonder how did you think of california investments from this post.
Thanks for the compliment.
I am not sure of its a doctered one. I got it as a forward.
Thanks Gabby!! I think its more of the girls wanting him to be their brother.:)
I haven't finished tweaking with my blog design yet. But as impatient a I am, couldn't hold it that long. so the "beta version". You will keep seeing so many changes in coming weeks or months .....:)