The 2 Cent King

Old Wine - New Bottle!

                                                                                                                                   Friday, August 05, 2005
The older the wine the better it gets. Well, I have done it. New design, new links, fresh beginnings but same old me. I still have lot of work to do on this template (have display problems in IE, nothing new!) but I was so bored with my old design that I had to get the beta-version on board. I hope you would be more inspired to make this a merrier place by your reads and comments which always has been the saving grace of this blog. I have been quite busy at work off late, but that didn't stop me from putting into action my creative multi-tasking skills I have been blessed with "lately". This was quite evident from the recent compliment I received on my God-given skill on how I can talk and annoy people at the same time. Aww! God bless their warm souls.

I need to thank my fellow blogger aka the template genius Megha who helped a great deal on my previous template design as some snippets of the code in the present one was taken from it(like the Red font and the font family).

Sticking to the successful tactics of luring you with cute pictures of puppies for comments and blog hits, I am using this picture of the pond which is a stone's throw away from my apartment.

by gvenum @  4:15 PM                                                                                                                                                                 

  • #by Blogger junat, at August 06, 2005 1:41 PM

    cool look


  • #by Blogger Paddy, at August 06, 2005 7:56 PM

    Wow!I like the new one a lot better already.Just one suggestion though: Dont you think a black 'blogger' title line would suit the overall better than the current blue one on the top(we can choose via the dashboard)
    And Ahh! Thanks for the vote, i'll be back probably not on the same space but a different one..


  • #by Blogger Kumari, at August 06, 2005 10:27 PM

    Darn good template :)


  • #by Blogger Primalsoup, at August 07, 2005 12:51 AM

    Ah, ha. ADD and what not? Much coolness! :)

    New template is much hep as well. And really, its because of people like you that I get much many rude comments on how ugly a Blog I have. *Grrrr*

    And a male capable of multi-tasking. Wow! We sure are breaking age old stereotypes it would seem.

    More power to you!


  • #by Blogger Ratna, at August 07, 2005 12:54 PM

    Looks Good :)


  • #by Blogger gvenum, at August 07, 2005 5:23 PM

    (paddy with a small p)
    Thank you.

    Thank you , thank you. There I got the black one now.. anything for my readers:) ..Dont be too late...I have a reputaion to keep that I have cool links here.

    Aww...thank you fellow saggi.

    Thanks for making ADD such a cool thing. I need to hire you as my PR agent. When you have nothing worthwhile to write that catches your attention, I had to go for the look. Either its real life or blog, its the shallowness that rule the (blog)world..muaahhaaha!..

    >> Male Multi-tasking..
    Thank you, well its a start. With my kind of MT skills, I am sure there will be a uprising against men with multi-tasking.

    May be you are well off with sterio types:)


    Thanks a bunch.

    Looks like the verdict is not out yet or am I missing the point here.


  • #by Blogger Woodooz, at August 08, 2005 2:27 AM

    Hey this is really neat...


  • #by Blogger Nimbus, at August 08, 2005 4:44 AM

    The new template is mucho cool! Much much nicer than the old blogger thingy (I hated it!) And thank you for the generous link love and mention in post and what not! I guess you believe that it is your PR skills that keep you on my blogroll ;)

    And now your blog has a gender eh? (Lets see if you figure out why I said that) :)


  • #by Blogger gvenum, at August 08, 2005 12:16 PM


    Thanks Somu...for some reason your name always reminds me of India's first Home made soft drink we used to have long time back called Soma.:)..


    Aww!! thankoooo for all the nice words..and also for coming out with your latent resentment of my previous blog:)

    Well thanks again...this is nothing compared to what you do for the right causes ,both for Tsunami and now the Mumbai relief efforts.

    I did use some code from the past template which gives my present template,what I call, "Life".

    >> I guess you believe that it is your PR skills that keep you on my blogroll ;)

    Naahh....its just your laziness to update your blogroll and my good fortune that you have been kept busy by every other thing :)

    >>And now your blog has a gender eh? (Lets see if you figure out why I said that) :)

    Yes it does have... What to do....there is no "Will" by her side to save her on this blog.:)


  • #by Blogger Nimbus, at August 08, 2005 3:22 PM

    Hmmm, nice one, but that wasn't it! If it helps I meant that your blog's a guy. Wanna give it another shot? :)


  • #by Blogger gvenum, at August 08, 2005 3:35 PM

    woow.. This is interesting. This time I am sure I think..:-)

    Kya kare...beta has to show up...the papa is busy getting the final touches.

    BTW....where did I come up with Will & Grace thingy....man ..I am weird.


  • #by Blogger Nimbus, at August 08, 2005 3:43 PM

    Chalo, der aaye durust aaye. Yep, you've finally figured it out! :)

    Of course the air was completely let out of the baloon by the time you got it, but still, congratulations on winning the (deflated) balloon, nevertheless :)

    And yes, I agree. You are weird. Self-realization, they say, is a very good thing.


  • #by Blogger gvenum, at August 08, 2005 3:51 PM


    "Wierd" awww thats sweet and deflated baloon.....I likey.....whats the fun in a bloated thingy....I really like the "flattering" gift. I didnot even know I have so many "hidden" talents both in my writing and in Me.


  • #by Blogger Sanjay, at September 19, 2005 6:44 PM

    i had similar probs. try Mozilla. it works just fine with blogger.com

    and yes, your posts written in your flamboyant style of narrating are really worth reading...
    best wishes



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